Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I've never really considered myself to have an addictive personality.  I mean, I worked as a bartender for years and years and was surrounded by alcohol.  I saw some seriously addicted people - that just isn't me.  I was around cigarettes and friends that chain smoked, tried it myself, but it just didn't catch on.  I went through a period of some serious over-imbibing and partying, but nothing ever stuck...luckily! 

Lately, though, I have been reconsidering my thoughts about this.  A few years ago, I has surgery on my stomach and a side effect of the surgery is severe heart burn.  And for those of you who don't know, coffee = heartburn.  It took me years to realize this (maybe I was in denial), but if you put the two together you have a horrible heartburn situation.  I have been trying to wean myself off of the roasted deliciousness, but am having a really hard time.  I just keep craving it, and the tea isn't helping.  It isn't a good substitute.  

Am I addicted?  Do I just want it because I am telling myself that I can't have it?  Do i just love the coffee culture here in Portland?  Stumptown, Ristretto, Barista, Albina Press, Red E - we have some serious coffee shops in town.  I mean, I live in the Pacific Northwest - coffee capital of the United States of America.  What is a girl to do without the foamy goodness of a soy latte?  or the perfect Americano first thing in the morning?  I am sitting here right now dreaming of it.  Any good substitutes that you guys know about? 



  1. Yeah...being in Seattle doesn't help either. For me, it's not just the caffeine I crave, it's the warm cozy feeling I get when drinking something hot when it's cold outside. I would say for a substitute...try chai! :)

  2. i have a friend who drinks some type of coffee substitute from stumptown. i can't remember the name though. i feel like it's some kind of grain.

    hope you find a good fix!

  3. This is a hard debate. I gave up coffee for a year, but then I realized that I didn't drink much of it, and that coffee can be very good for you in moderation (as the case with everything). I have a cup of espresso (about 4 shots worth) every morning. Contrary to belief, espresso has much less caffeine than drip coffee - since the water blasts through espresso beans much faster than drip coffee (which sort of sits and boils a bit), it pulls much less caffeine. This is scientifically proven, I promise! I also have a strain of acid reflux/heart burn, but I don't find the coffee to give me that (if I may be blunt, it's definitely my cigarette smoking in combination with birth control, which is why I'm quitting smoking). I don't find caffeinated tea to affect me very much, though, unless it's the only caffeine I have that day. So maybe switch to espresso? Whatever you do, please don't drink decaf coffee - it's so ridden with chemicals! That's how they make it decaf, loading it with chemicals that nix the caffeine... gross!

  4. Sorry. I can't be any help whatsoever. I'm the biggest coffee addict I know!

  5. Oh what a dilema!! I feel for you. I too, have this same addiction. The pic you posted looks so divine! I don't have any good suggestions sorry ..... maybe just substitute some coffee for some fine chocolate???!

  6. I recently had my gall bladder out & one of the things I'm supposed to not drink is coffee. I still have this odd unsettling feeling all the time but I'm not sure if its the coffee in the morning or what. Maybe you can figure out what part of the coffee is what your craving? Is it the taste? The caffeine? or The act of just drinking coffee has been so in your life that it's just hard to kick the habit? It could be a start? =)

    Hope you feel better!!

  7. these are such great ideas - definitely food for thought! lauren, i will totally have to try the grain thing at stumptown (i didn't even know about it) and melina - i promise to stay away from chemicals! :)

  8. Coffee triggers heartburn? uh oh am I in trouble!

  9. I feel for you! I love coffee too. Can't live without it. The only time I gave it up was when I was pregnant and it was awful. I felt like I was a walking zombie. Throw in the hormones and I was not someone to mess with! I'm sorry I can't help with any advice. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words.-Jennifer:)

  10. My husband, Cole, is in the midst of quitting coffee. It's definitely not easy for him since he has finals this week! But so far so good.

    Good luck! Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.

  11. Give in & keep drinking coffee - you only live once :)

  12. Opps! I'm not a coffee lover, I'm more of a tea person!! Not sure what can help you, sorry! Hope you can kick the addiction soon though:)

    p.s. my wing ring is from! Thanks for the sweet comment dearie!


  13. Ooooh! That's a tough one. I go through periods of drinking coffe and then I realise it really doesn't agree with me...I think I'm mildly allergic to it or something - but tea is always a good substitute for me. What about decaf? Would that be as harsh on your tum?...or what about hot chocolate? That would give you a pick me up with the caffeine...? Best of luck on this.

  14. Not sure about the best advice for you but it's definitely hard giving up something you're so accustomed to.

    Is it the warmth? The feeling of drinking something in the morning? The smell? if you an pinpoint those it could help a bit.

    Good luck and happy New Year!
