Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My favorite little green notebook

Yesterday, my friend Andi said the reason that she gets so crafty around this time of year, is that creativity is in her star sign during the months of November and December.  We're both Virgos so I am beginning to think my affinity for all things DIY might be in my cosmic make-up, too. 

I recently hit the crafty jackpot.  I discovered the most amazing blog through Jordan Ferney's Oh Happy Day.  It is called Little Green Notebook, and I can't get enough.  The stuff that Jenny comes up with is insane, and always looks gorgeous when she is finished.  Did I mention that she has two little girls, and a third one on the way?  I don't know where she finds the time to get to everything.  She posts great tutorials, and tons of interior design ideas, too.  You have to check it out - you will be truly inspired to use the coming long weekend to make over your house!  Here are just a few of my favorite projects... 

This photo features a couple of her projects - a revamped lamp, and a custom frame knockoff - enhanced with some inexpensive molding. 

Another photo featuring multiple projects: Updated Mattes, Lamp shades, and a refurbished orange shelf!

She made this ottoman out of a coffee table....seriously!  Doesn't it look amazing!

Gorgeous updated red credenza. 

She makes these pelmet boxes out of foam core board.  Super easy!

There are amazing tutorials for these and more on the site.  If you want to find some more DIY projects, just go onto Jenny's blog and search "DIY".  Tons of great ideas will pop up! 


  1. Wow, her site looks amazing. I can't believe how creative she is. I can't wait to check her out.


  2. Oh cool!! I love that pink & black window box. I'll check out her site!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
    xoxo Laura

  4. I checked out her site, and it looks awesome! She's so crafty - I'm jealous. I don't even have kids - how does she manage to do it?! Also, she is the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen!

  5. i am always amazed by the talented people in the blog world who make DIY look easy. my DIY drive comes and goes. right now it's on hiatus. haha.

  6. my friend told me about this site a couple of weeks ago. awesome stuff. and she's adorable! how do people have kids and still have time to craft AND look pretty????

  7. Sounds like a great site. I'm going to check it out!

  8. Oh red credenza. How much do I love thee? SO MUCH!

  9. I also love that blog! I spent an hour there the other day just looking at pictures.

  10. Okay I'm making that ottoman coffee table. I love that look.

  11. Wonderful! Love these photos. I'm not a big star sigh follower. The ottoman rocks! Well done :)
